作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间:2018-01-05 19:03:01
As the Internet continues to promote the enterprise to the customer management has been in transition, put aside the bottleneck in real-time synchronization of data can not be the traditional management, for enterprises to have a business as auxiliary tools are particularly important in the development of customer, customer maintenance, customer management, at the same time, also can improve work efficiency. Reduce the cost of enterprise, realize the business worries, real-time grasp the business situation.

Customer management system is a customer based CRM system, for the enterprise to improve the management of sales. It is understood that pre-sale salesperson's way of customer's follow-up is not static. According to different customers, there will be different follow-up plans and ways, and most of the customers in the business are realized in the follow-up of salesmen.
日常工作中各部门管理的协调工作无法做到很好的衔接、人员管理不到位、工作效率不不高、企业新客户拓展不力、企业老客户维系不当导致流失, 业务人员流失导致带走客户的损失、 新人接替离职人员不知如何下手、人员考核绩效没有数据依据、公司销售情况以及盈利情况无法准确及时撑握、公司售后体系不完备、公司采购以及商品库存管理不严谨、做好做好库存情况的预警措施等等。
To coordinate the work of various departments in the daily work management can not achieve cohesion, personnel management is not in place, work efficiency is not high, enterprises develop new customers, maintain old customers ineffective enterprises due to improper loss of business loss leads to the loss of customers, take the new people to succeed outgoing staff do not know how to start, there is no data personnel performance appraisal company sales and profitability can not accurately and timely grasp, the company customer service system is not complete, the company procurement and inventory management is not rigorous, do a good job of inventory early warning measures etc..
Customer satisfaction is our affirmation. You are welcome to purchase our company's products. We have always thought that you are responsible for products and have always insisted on doing so. Welcome to your visit.