作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间:2017-07-05 11:14:04
一、 要确定你拨打外线的方法是否正确。电话交换机有很多的牌子,而且每个牌子的电话交换机拨打外线的方法都不一样,有些电话交换机在拨打的外线的时候要先拨一个0,然后再按号码,方能打的出去,有些电话交换机拨打外线的时候则需要在被叫号码前拨一个9,国威电话交换机拨打外线就是先拨一个9的。具体牌子的拨打外线的方法请看机器的说明书。如果在拨打方式正确的情况下,任然打不出去,那么则可以排除拨打方式错误的情况。

First, make sure you dial the outside line correctly. The telephone exchange has a lot of brands, and methods for each brand of telephone dial are not the same, some telephone exchange in the outside of the dial to dial a 0, then press the number to play out, when some telephone dial outside is in front of the called number to dial a 9 IP PBX, dial dial is a 9. Specific brands to dial outside line, please see the instructions of the machine. If you dial the correct way, but still can not get out, then you can rule out the wrong way to dial.
二、 检查下你的外线有没有问题,济南呼叫中心系统先看下你的外线有没有信号,检查外线信号的方法就是,拿一个电话机,直接把外线接到电话机上,看下有没有信号,如果没有信号,那就说明是外线有问题,一般修好了,就基本没问题了的。
Outside your two, check there is no problem, Ji'nan call center system to see you outside have no signal, is the method to check the signal outside, take a telephone, received a telephone directly to the outside, look there is no signal, if there is no signal, it is a problem that the outside, general now, basically no problem.
Three, if the outside is no problem, but still can not play outside, you should consult the technical staff of the telephone exchange, look there is no set extension level, if there is a set of words, then ask him to help you open just fine, if not set, that is the telephone exchange machine has this problem fault report directly to the technical personnel telephone exchange can be, because this must be the telephone exchange of professional and technical personnel to repair.
The company has reliable quality, perfect service, reasonable price, won the trust of new and old customers. In the full of challenges and opportunities of the century, we will forge ahead, never give up the pursuit of excellence in quality and service It's perfection itself. I hope we'll have the pleasure of serving you!

First, make sure you dial the outside line correctly. The telephone exchange has a lot of brands, and methods for each brand of telephone dial are not the same, some telephone exchange in the outside of the dial to dial a 0, then press the number to play out, when some telephone dial outside is in front of the called number to dial a 9 IP PBX, dial dial is a 9. Specific brands to dial outside line, please see the instructions of the machine. If you dial the correct way, but still can not get out, then you can rule out the wrong way to dial.
二、 检查下你的外线有没有问题,济南呼叫中心系统先看下你的外线有没有信号,检查外线信号的方法就是,拿一个电话机,直接把外线接到电话机上,看下有没有信号,如果没有信号,那就说明是外线有问题,一般修好了,就基本没问题了的。
Outside your two, check there is no problem, Ji'nan call center system to see you outside have no signal, is the method to check the signal outside, take a telephone, received a telephone directly to the outside, look there is no signal, if there is no signal, it is a problem that the outside, general now, basically no problem.
Three, if the outside is no problem, but still can not play outside, you should consult the technical staff of the telephone exchange, look there is no set extension level, if there is a set of words, then ask him to help you open just fine, if not set, that is the telephone exchange machine has this problem fault report directly to the technical personnel telephone exchange can be, because this must be the telephone exchange of professional and technical personnel to repair.
The company has reliable quality, perfect service, reasonable price, won the trust of new and old customers. In the full of challenges and opportunities of the century, we will forge ahead, never give up the pursuit of excellence in quality and service It's perfection itself. I hope we'll have the pleasure of serving you!