作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间:2017-07-10 16:57:20
1、 济南电话营销系统,自动外呼功能电话营销系统可新建外呼任务,批量导入电话号码,不用手动拨出,系统自动进行外呼,提高外呼效率。
1, Ji'nan telephone marketing system, the function of automatic outbound telemarketing system can create new task information, batch import telephone number, without manual dial, automatic outbound system, improve the efficiency of call.
2、 通话录音功能电话营销系统自动将每一通话进行录音,保存周期可按需求设置,可随时调取录音内容、可作为销售员能力的的考核或者避免纠纷带来的麻烦。

2, call recording telephone marketing system will automatically each call recording, preservation period according to the needs of setting, can be retrieved at any time, can be used as the audio content sales ability appraisal or avoid the trouble dispute.
3、 快速拨号,实现的电话销售电话营销系统预拨号功能,支持大批量导入和拨打的功能,并且具有自动识别错号,忙音,空号等不良状况,将有效地通话转接销售人员,从而省去大量人工拨号的时间,提高了销售人员的工作效率。
3, speed dial, efficient professional telephone sales telephone dialing system marketing function, support large bulk import and call functions, and can automatically identify the wrong number, busy tone, empty and other adverse conditions, the call to the sales staff will be effectively, thus eliminating the need for large amount of artificial time dialing, improve the sales staff work efficiency.
4、 济南电话营销系统多方通话 销售人员可以随时加入支援人员,展开三方通话,即时与技术支援工程师、客服、上级主管等多方沟通、协调工作保障电话销售过程中通信的快速性、连续性。
4, Ji'nan telephone marketing system multicall sales staff can join the support staff, the three party calls, instant and technical support, customer service, supervisor and other multi communication and coordination support telephone sales process fast and continuous communication.
5、 短信功能销售人员可以方便、快捷的发送客户所需的信息到客户手机上,体现出一个销售服务过程。
5, SMS function, sales staff can be convenient and quick to send customers the necessary information to the customer's mobile phone, reflecting a professional sales service process.
6、 无纸传真电话营销系统可自动收发传真模板支持传真资料签章、自动索取、群发、转发、回复等功能。
6, paperless fax telephone marketing system can automatically send and receive fax templates, support fax data, signature, automatic request, send, send, reply and other functions.
7、 录音功能电话营销系统的通话录音功能可确保重要内容不遗漏;新同事也可以根据录音内容来总结、提高自身销售水平。
7, recording function, telephone marketing system call recording function, to ensure that important content is not missing; new colleagues can also according to the recording content to sum up, improve their sales level.
8、来电弹屏 电话营销系统根据来电号码,自动弹出对应的客户资料、历史记录和通话录音。让销售代表服务更周到,更贴心。
8, call the screen phone marketing system, according to the call number, automatically pop-up the corresponding customer information, history and call recording. Let sales representatives service more considerate, more intimate.
Customer satisfaction is our affirmation, you are welcome to come to buy our products, we have always thought you provide products as their own responsibility, and has always insisted on doing so. Welcome to our company.
1, Ji'nan telephone marketing system, the function of automatic outbound telemarketing system can create new task information, batch import telephone number, without manual dial, automatic outbound system, improve the efficiency of call.
2、 通话录音功能电话营销系统自动将每一通话进行录音,保存周期可按需求设置,可随时调取录音内容、可作为销售员能力的的考核或者避免纠纷带来的麻烦。

2, call recording telephone marketing system will automatically each call recording, preservation period according to the needs of setting, can be retrieved at any time, can be used as the audio content sales ability appraisal or avoid the trouble dispute.
3、 快速拨号,实现的电话销售电话营销系统预拨号功能,支持大批量导入和拨打的功能,并且具有自动识别错号,忙音,空号等不良状况,将有效地通话转接销售人员,从而省去大量人工拨号的时间,提高了销售人员的工作效率。
3, speed dial, efficient professional telephone sales telephone dialing system marketing function, support large bulk import and call functions, and can automatically identify the wrong number, busy tone, empty and other adverse conditions, the call to the sales staff will be effectively, thus eliminating the need for large amount of artificial time dialing, improve the sales staff work efficiency.
4、 济南电话营销系统多方通话 销售人员可以随时加入支援人员,展开三方通话,即时与技术支援工程师、客服、上级主管等多方沟通、协调工作保障电话销售过程中通信的快速性、连续性。
4, Ji'nan telephone marketing system multicall sales staff can join the support staff, the three party calls, instant and technical support, customer service, supervisor and other multi communication and coordination support telephone sales process fast and continuous communication.
5、 短信功能销售人员可以方便、快捷的发送客户所需的信息到客户手机上,体现出一个销售服务过程。
5, SMS function, sales staff can be convenient and quick to send customers the necessary information to the customer's mobile phone, reflecting a professional sales service process.
6、 无纸传真电话营销系统可自动收发传真模板支持传真资料签章、自动索取、群发、转发、回复等功能。
6, paperless fax telephone marketing system can automatically send and receive fax templates, support fax data, signature, automatic request, send, send, reply and other functions.
7、 录音功能电话营销系统的通话录音功能可确保重要内容不遗漏;新同事也可以根据录音内容来总结、提高自身销售水平。
7, recording function, telephone marketing system call recording function, to ensure that important content is not missing; new colleagues can also according to the recording content to sum up, improve their sales level.
8、来电弹屏 电话营销系统根据来电号码,自动弹出对应的客户资料、历史记录和通话录音。让销售代表服务更周到,更贴心。
8, call the screen phone marketing system, according to the call number, automatically pop-up the corresponding customer information, history and call recording. Let sales representatives service more considerate, more intimate.
Customer satisfaction is our affirmation, you are welcome to come to buy our products, we have always thought you provide products as their own responsibility, and has always insisted on doing so. Welcome to our company.